Posts, Comments, And Sharing, Settings For Blogger
Posts, Comments, And Sharing, Settings For Blogger
Hi friends, today, I will discuss a new topic on blogger setting,' how to settings posts, comments, and sharing.
If you have a blogger or you will want to create a new blog, then this topic will very important for you, for blogger posts, comments, and sharing settings.
I have already written many important topics for blogger related to SEO, you may go to my blogging related site, and can read them.
Every blogger did know about the blogger settings, how it can do properly settings, but some time will become do wrongs.
So I will try to give full information for blogger posts, comments, and sharing settings. For a new blogger, posts, comments, and sharing settings are to face very difficultly for the first time.
Friends, if you are to face very difficult for in this setting, then do not worry, because I will try to solve your settings problems.
Why need to posts, comments, and sharing settings?
Posts, comments, and sharing settings are very important for a blog, so, you need to properly in this setting. Because, if you do not do properly in these setting, then will affect SEO for ranking and you can lose your readers.
So it is very important for SEO and your blogger blog. If you want to do properly settings posts, comments, and sharing, then continue to read this article.
I will try to give full information about these settings, and I hope this article will helpful for you.
What are posts, comments, and sharing for a blogger?
Posts:-what you write for to blogger? An article and time to time you published your article. When your article publish, and your publishing article will see in your blogger dashboard or on the blogger home page.
This article we called a blog post. Posts setting is very important and it needs to properly set.
Comments:-Comments setting is also very important for the blogger, your blog can increase the by comments, and anybody can write spam comments on your blog post, if you do not properly blogger comments settings, then it will do affect your blog.
If anybody spam comments, then it is can be handled by herself.
Sharing:- Blog posts sharing settings are very important, so, it needs too properly. If you want auto-sharing then you may can it.
Reads more-Knowledge of user profile settings on blogger
How to do posts, comments, and sharing settings?
Friends, it is simple methods for settings the bloggers, posts, comments, and sharing. First, you will log in to your blogger account, and next, you go to the blogger dashboard, and you can see settings options below.
What to do next?
Please follow me
1. First, click settings options, and when you click the blogger settings options, then will open all the blogger settings options before you.
2. Then you click posts, comments, and sharing settings options, and next will open a settings options page before you.
#. Posts
A. Show at most:- Show at most, here you can write in the first box any number, like 5,6,7, to 12. It is your own choice. What is it, this means, how many numbers you will visible your post in the main homepage.
B. Post Template:-It is also your choice, if you want to add a post template, then you can write in the box.
C. Showcase images with Lightbox:-Showcase images with lightbox,
you should select it *yes*
#. Comments
A. Comment Location:- Comment location's setting very important, you can get a variety of settings options, like,
#. Embedded
#. Full page
#. Popup Window, and
#. Hide.
My choice -Embedded
B. Who can comment:-When you write a blog post, and you publish it time to time, who can comment on your post, you will get four options here, like
#. Anyone
#. User with Google Accounts
#. Only members of this blog
You can select -no-1(Anyone) # why you select it because anybody can read your blog posts, and so, they right to comment.
C. Comment Moderation:- Comment Moderation, you get here three 1. Setting options-
1. Always2. Sometimes
3. Never
You can select 1(Always). Why you select this option because, when your reader will comment on your post, at that time, her comment will not publish and you can review on that comment and you next can publish by your own choice.
D. Show word verification:- Here you can select -Yes
E. Comment Form Message:-If you want to write a comment from the message, then you can write a message in the box.
When your all settings are complete, then you click -Save changes.
What you write in the box, click here for- Download-
Friends, I hope that you can learn something in my article, Posts, Comments, And Sharing, Settings For Blogger,' and your posts, comments, and sharing setting's problem will be soon solved if you get to benefit by my article, and you think this article is helpful then do not forget to share this article and any question write below in the comment box. Thanks for reading.
I don’t suppose many of websites give this kind of information.